Invitation Letter RFP-AFG- 0012 Provision of Consultancy Services

Invitation Letter RFP-AFG- 0012 Provision of Consultancy Services


Danish Refugee Council (DRC)

Announced Date



Jan 3, 2023


Afghanistan, including border crossings and selected areas of return

Employment Type

Full Time


As per company salary scale

consultancy deliverables

The ultimate deliverables of this consultancy will be:

  1. An in-depth report (10-12 pages) covering the research questions detailed above and including executive summary and clear recommendations for programming and advocacy
  2. One internal (to DRC staff only) and one external presentation of the findings, as agreed during inception phase
  3. Development of a relevant protection monitoring survey to be administered by DRC Protection staff to deportees at border crossings; this shall be piloted during the consultancy with the purpose of data collection for this study and with the intention to develop a tool that can be used during routine DRC Protection programme beyond the scope of the study
  4. Training to DRC protection staff on the survey tool, sampling and general data collection methodology

For the purpose of managing the research process, the following interim deliverables are expected from the consultant:

  1. Consultancy kick-off meeting;
  2. Bi-monthly in-person/Skype meetings;
  3. Inception report and draft of tools used for primary data collection for review and approval by DRC;
  4. Draft assessment report presenting the findings for comments;
  5. Final report in English incorporating comments from DRC. The report should include the following sections as minimum requirements:
    1. Executive Summary
    2. Methodology
    3. Presentation of findings
    4. Recommendations for programmes and organizational processes and policies
    5. Annexes: ToR, workplan, tools, bibliography, infographics

The final assessment report will be reviewed for quality and final payment will be made upon submission of a satisfactory report, completion of all planned trainings and transfer of all raw data and training material files. DRC has sole ownership of all the final data and any findings shall not be reproduced or shared without the expresses written permission of DRC.


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