What kind of information is available on this website?

The APRRN Information on Afghanistan website has been set up by the Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network (APRRN) as a source of information on support available to those in Afghanistan or in transit seeking information on legal pathways, education and employment opportunities and psychosocial services.  APRRN will seek to update all information but cannot guarantee that information is up to date.

APRRN is unable to process individual inquiries or offer legal advice.  

Further information on support for those in Afghanistan or in transit is available on our Facebook page: APRRN Information on Afghanistan 

APRRN would like to thank APNOR, PILnetAMERA International for their invaluable and ongoing contribution to education opportunities and legal pathways currently available to Afghan nationals..

APRRN is very grateful to Settlement Services International who continue to fund APRRN´s work on Afghanistan and have enabled to setting up of this website and linked Facebook page.

APRRN has collated some information on data security available in Dari and English prepared for Afghans in transit or within Afghanistan.  Please also take care when providing personal data online that you ensure you share your details with verified trusted sources!
Reporters Without Borders, Access Now and Evacuate our Allies have provided links to resources in Dari, Pashto and English to increase your digital security. See also these tips when using WhatsApp.

Latest Updates

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Afghan Refugees in Pakistan Face Expulsion as UN

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Bavarian premier urges negotiations with Taliban after Munich

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Afghan Refugees in Pakistan Face Expulsion as UN Calls for Protection
Bavarian premier urges negotiations with Taliban after Munich attack
Afghan national admits to Munich car attack that injured 39
US deports to Panama nearly 120 migrants of different nationalities
Pakistan releases 63 Afghan migrants from detention
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Job Opportunity: Post-Doctoral Contract / Project Assistant on the Theme “Art, History, and Heritage of Afghanistan and Its Wider Region”
Iran’s Interior Minister says over one million Afghan refugees deported
German Parliament Rejects Controversial Immigration Bill Backed by Far-Right AfD

What is the Chatbot?

What is the chatbot and how can I use it?

You can get answers to your queries on the present situation in Afghanistan by using this chatbot from APRRN.