Scholarship program for studying at Kazakhstani universities

Scholarship program for studying at Kazakhstani universities

بورسیه تحصیلی در دانشگاه های قزاقستان

وزارت علوم و آموزش عالی جمهوری قزاقستان از متقاضیان خارجی، از جمله افراد دارای ملیت قزاق که شهروند جمهوری قزاقستان نیستند، برای تحصیل تمام وقت تحت برنامه های آموزشی کارشناسی، کارشناسی ارشد و دکتری دعوت می کند.

تخصیص بورسیه:

  • برنامه لیسانس – 490
  • برنامه کارشناسی ارشد – 50
  • برنامه مدرک دکترا – 10

بورس تحصیلی شامل:

  • فیس دانشگاه
  • کمک هزینه ماهانه


مهلت دریافت مدارک

30 مارچ تا 30 جون 2023


Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan calls for foreign applicants, including persons of Kazakh nationality who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan for full-time studying under Bachelor, Master and PhD educational programs.

Scholarships allocation:

  • Bachelor degree program – 490
  • Master degree program – 50
  • PhD degree program – 10

The scholarship includes:

  • tuition fee
  • monthly stipend

Deadline for receiving documents

March 30 to June 30, 2023

Admissions operator is Higher Education Development National Center MSHE RK.

How to Apply for the Scholarship Program

Online through the web portal (website) of the National Center for the Development of Higher Education…/operativnaya-informaciya.

What documents does the applicant submit?

The list of documents can be found here…/operativnaya-informaciya

What are the procedures for receiving documents?

  1. submission of documents through the Operator’s website…/operativnaya-informaciya ;
  2. verification of documents by the Operator. If the documents meet all the requirements, a link for online testing is sent to the applicant’s mail
  3. online testing to identify adaptive potential. Those who successfully passed online testing receive an invitation letter for an interview;
  4. online interviews with representatives of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Operator and universities;
  5. announcement of the results of the competition for the Scholarship Program before August 28 of the current year.

Information on visa issues is available here:

Contact information:

Phone: +7 (7172) 28 75 26, 28 75 31


Main Resource Link

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