Call for Applications: HEC DAAD EFFAL Scholarships 2024 For Female Afghan Refugee Students in Pakistan

Call for Applications: HEC DAAD EFFAL Scholarships 2024 For Female Afghan Refugee Students in Pakistan

فراخوان درخواست: بورسیه تحصیلی HEC DAAD EFFAL 2024 برای دانشجویان زن پناهنده افغان در پاکستان

کمیسیون آموزش عالی (HEC) پاکستان از گشایش درخواست ها برای بورسیه های تحصیلی کارشناسی ارشد با حمایت مالی کامل توسط سرویس تبادل علمی آلمان (DAAD) برای سال تحصیلی 2024 خبر داده است. این بورسیه ها برای پناهندگان زن افغان مقیم پاکستان در دسترس است. کسانی که مایلند یک برنامه دو ساله کارشناسی ارشد را در هر دانشگاه معتبر کمیسیون آموزش عالی (HEC) دنبال کنند. هدف اصلی این برنامه بورسیه، ارتقای پیشرفت علمی و علمی با ارائه فرصت‌های درجه بالا برای دانشجویانی است که آرزوی تبدیل شدن به رهبران دانشگاهی و حرفه‌ای، هم در سطح منطقه و هم در سطح جهانی را دارند. برنامه بورسیه تحصیلی برای زنان از همه رشته ها آزاد است و توسط DAAD با بودجه ارائه شده توسط وزارت همکاری اقتصادی و توسعه فدرال آلمان تامین می شود. اعطای بورسیه تحصیلی منوط به در دسترس بودن بودجه است.

مهلت درخواست: 5 فوریه 2024


The Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan  has announced the opening of applications for fully funded Master’s scholarships, sponsored by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), for the academic year 2024. These scholarships are available to female Afghan refugees residing in Pakistan, who wish to pursue a two-year Master’s program at any Higher Education Commission (HEC) recognized university. The main objective of this scholarship programme is to promote academic and scientific advancement by providing high-degree opportunities for students who aspire to become academic and professional leaders, both regionally and globally. The scholarship programme is open to females from all disciplines and is funded by the DAAD, with funds provided by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany. The awarding of scholarships is subject to the availability of funds.

Application Deadline: 5 February 2024

Benefits and Financial Aids

The Master’s degree scholarship is fully funded by DAAD, covering:

  • Tuition fees and
  • Providing financial support to successful candidates.
  • The award of scholarships is dependent upon the availability of funds.

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants should meet the following criteria in order to apply to DAAD EFFAL Scholarships:

  • Be a female Afghan refugee residing in Pakistan with a valid Proof of Registration (POR) Card from The Ministry of States and Frontier Regions (SAFRON).
  • Completion evidence from an HEC-recognized undergraduate degree (16 years of education) with a minimum CGPA of 2.5
  • Result-awaiting students are not eligible to apply.
  • Successful completion of undergraduate degree or enrollment in the first semester of a two-year Master’s program in an HEC-recognized university
  • Applicants should not concurrently be beneficiaries of any other academic scholarship or assistance while participating in the DAAD-funded Master’s scholarship program.

Required Documents

Please prepare to have these documents available to apply for the Pakistan-DAAD Master Scholarships for Female Afghan Refugees:

  • Applicants should submit a valid Proof of Registration (POR) Card from SAFRON
  • Copy of matriculation and intermediate certificate with DMC
  • Academic transcripts of the undergraduate degree
  • Two letters of recommendation from teachers
  • Letter of motivation or Personal statement
  • Proof of enrollment (if available)
  • Any other documents specified by the HEC for the application process

Click the link below to register:



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