Afghan Citizens Resettlement Scheme Pathway 3: eligibility for British Council and GardaWorld contractors and Chevening Alumni

Afghan Citizens Resettlement Scheme Pathway 3: eligibility for British Council and GardaWorld contractors and Chevening Alumni

طرح اسکان مجدد شهروندان افغان ( ACRS ) راه امن و قانونی را برای برخی از آسیب پذیرترین و در معرض خطرترین افراد افغانستان فراهم می کند تا به بریتانیا بیایند و زندگی خود را بسازند. دولت بریتانیا متعهد شده است که از ۲۰۰۰ نفر که در معرض خطر هستند از طریق ACRS استقبال کند. برای ACRS هیچ فرآیند درخواستی وجود ندارد. در عوض، افراد واجد شرایط اولویت بندی شده و برای اسکان مجدد به بریتانیا تحت یکی از 3 مسیری که در صفحه طرح اسکان شهروندان افغان GOV.UK مشخص شده است، ارجاع داده می شوند.

The Afghan Citizens Resettlement Scheme (ACRS) provides a safe and legal way for some of the most vulnerable and at-risk people from Afghanistan to come to the United Kingdom and rebuild their lives. The government has committed to welcoming up to 20,000 people who are at risk through the ACRS. There is no application process for the ACRS. Instead, eligible people will be prioritised and referred for resettlement to the UK under 1 of 3 pathways outlined on the Afghan Citizens Resettlement Scheme GOV.UK page.

Deadline: 15 August 2022

Eligible Group

1- British Council contractors 2- GardaWorld contractors 3- Chevening alumni

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for consideration under the first year of Pathway 3 of the ACRS, you must meet one of these definitions: British Council contractors For the purposes of Pathway 3 of the ACRS, a British Council contractor is someone contracted directly to the British Council in Afghanistan to carry out duties in a way similar to an employee. This includes in particular individuals who were contracted to take on regular and public-facing roles, providing services or benefits to beneficiaries on behalf of the British Council, and who were therefore closely associated with delivering the UK government’s mission in Afghanistan. A British Council contractor does not include those contracted to provide professional services such as accounting, marketing, maintenance of office equipment, directly or via a third party, nor does it include those representing the British Council as a commercial agent, for example for the recruitment of examination candidates. GardaWorld contractors For the purposes of Pathway 3 of the ACRS a GardaWorld contractor is someone employed by GardaWorld on host country terms and conditions, for a period of 3 months or more after 1 July 2020, exclusively to support the British Embassy Kabul contract. GardaWorld contractor includes someone whose contract was terminated during or after March 2021 due to the reduction in the requirement for guarding the British Embassy in Kabul, and someone who, while engaged as part of the GardaWorld Regional Management Team, provided dedicated and material support to the British Embassy Kabul contract. Chevening Alumni For the purposes of Pathway 3 of the ACRS an Afghanistan Chevening Alumnus is someone awarded an Afghanistan Chevening Scholarship to study in the United Kingdom, and who completed their course of study under the terms of their Scholarship.


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