Family Reunification for Afghans in the USA

Family Reunification for Afghans in the USA

وزارت امور خارجه ایالات متحده به تاریخ 14 نوامبر 2022 از راه اندازی صفحه یکجا شدن دوباره خانواده برای افغان ها را اعلام کرد. این صفحه گزینه های مختلف مهاجرت برای الحاق خانواده های افغان را شرح می دهد. گزینه های اتحاد مجدد بر اساس تابعیت، وضعیت مهاجرت و نحوه ورود افغان ها به ایالات متحده است. هدف از صفحه اتحاد مجدد کمک به خانواده های افغانی است که هنوز از هم جدا هستند.
هدف از ایجاد این صفحۀ ویژه کمک به آنعده خانواده‌های افغان خوانده شده است که تا اکنون از هم جدا مانده اند. در این صفحه به افغان‌های مقیم ایالات متحده، از شهروند امریکا گرفته تا دارندگان کارت اقامت دایمی و کسانیکه اقامت موقت بشردوستانه دارند، توضیح داده شده است که چگونه می‌توانند با بستگان نزدیک شان یکجا شوند.

The U.S. Department of State announced the launch of the Family Reunification for Afghans landing page on November 14, 2022. The page describes the different immigration options for reuniting Afghan families. The reunification options are based on citizenship, immigration status, and how Afghans entered the United States. The purpose of the reunification landing page is to help those Afghan families which are still separated.

The reunification landing page identifies pathways and how individuals can begin the applicable process for U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents (LPRs), refugees, asylees, and Afghan parolees, including those subsequently granted temporary protected status.

If You Are a U.S. Citizen:

If you are a U.S. citizen, your spouseyour children, and your parents may be eligible to immigrate to the United States immediately.  U.S. citizens may also petition for their siblings and unmarried adult children, who may immigrate once a visa is available.

If You Are a Lawful Permanent Resident:

If you are a lawful permanent resident, your spouse and your unmarried children under the age of 21, and unmarried adult sons and daughters may be eligible to immigrate to the United States.

If You Are a Refugee or Asylee:

If you hold refugee status or asylee status, your spouse and your unmarried children under the age of 21 may be eligible to immigrate to the United States.

If You Are a Parolee:

If you were paroled into the United States and currently remain a parolee or were paroled into the United States and subsequently granted Temporary Protected Status (TPS), your spouse and your unmarried children under the age of 21 may be eligible for admission to the United States as refugees.


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