Vocational training visa

Vocational training visa

آموزش حرفه ای در جرمنی درهای زیادی را باز می کند و بهترین راه برای آماده سازی برای دنیای کار در این کشور است. با استفاده از این ویزا، شما می توانید آموزش های حرفه ای را در مدرسه یا شرکت انجام دهید. در هر دو مورد، مطابق با بخش 16a AufenthG (قانون اقامت آلمان) به اجازه اقامت نیاز خواهید داشت.

Vocational training in Germany opens many doors and is the best way to prepare yourself for the German world of work. With this visa, you are able to complete school-based or company-based vocational training. In both cases you will need a residence permit in accordance with Section 16a AufenthG (German Residence Act).

Eligibility Criteria

You are able to provide proof of being accepted to a school-based or company-based training programme in Germany. You possess the requisite language skills required for the qualified vocational training. In general, a minimum level of B1 in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is required. This is applicable if the training facility has not yet tested your language skills, or you have yet to complete a preparatory German language course. You must be able to cover your costs of living for the entire duration of your stay: in general, this means that you must provide evidence of having at least € 832.00 per month (as of 2022) at your disposal. If you plan on taking part in a school-based training programme, you can provide evidence of being able to cover your living costs by opening a blocked account or submitting a Declaration of Commitment. If you plan on taking part in a company-based training programme, you will receive a training salary, which is also considered as evidence. If, for example, the monthly training salary is at least 909 euros gross, it can be assumed that your livelihood is secured. In case of your training salary being lower than the beforementioned amount, you are allowed to compensate the difference by showing that you are in possession of either a blocked account or a Declaration of Commitment.


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