SAR Ukraine Fellowships

SAR Ukraine Fellowships

فیلوشیپ SAR اوکراین

شبکه محققان در خطر (SAR) از موسسات عضو شبکه SAR در آمریکای شمالی که به دنبال میزبانی از دانش پژوهان تهدید شده و آواره از اوکراین هستند، حمایت بورسیه جدیدی را اعلام می کند. هدف از این بودجه حمایت از بخش تحقیقاتی و دانشگاهی اوکراین، امکان ادامه همکاری بین محققان و مؤسسات در اوکراین یا آواره شده از اوکراین و جامعه تحقیقاتی بین‌المللی و پیش‌بینی و حمایت از بازسازی بخش‌های آموزش عالی و تحقیقات اوکراین است. مجوز این حمایت با مشارکت سخاوتمندانه  Wiley، یک رهبر جهانی در انتشارات، آموزش و پژوهش امکان پذیر شده است.


  • بودیجه در دسترس موسسات و انجمن های آموزش عالی در آمریکای شمالی است که در زمان درخواست (“متقاضیان”) از عضویت شبکه SAR برخوردار هستند تا به میزبانی دانش پژوهان واجد شرایط اوکراین (“کاندیدا”) با معیارهای زیر کمک کنند:
  • آنهاییکه اتباع اوکراینی، افراد بدون تابعیت، یا اتباع کشورهای ثالث غیر از اوکراین، با اقامت اصلی خود در اوکراین در 24 فبروری 2022 بوده اند؛
  • در 24 فبروری 2022 یا پس از آن از اوکراین آواره شده اند، و یا در 24 فبروری 2022 به طور موقت در خارج از اوکراین بوده اند و به دلیل درگیری قادر به بازگشت به محل سکونت اصلی خود نبوده اند، یا هم آماده نقل مکان از اوکراین هستند؛
  • دانشگاهیان، محققین یا دانشمندان دارای مدرک دکترا (یا مدرک پایانی دیگر در رشته خود)؛
  • دارای مهارت های زبانی مورد نیاز برای انجام موفقیت آمیز فعالیت های تحقیقاتی خود در مؤسسه میزبان مورد نظر، همانطور که توسط مؤسسه میزبان در برنامه تأیید شده است؛
  • کاندیداها در تمام حوزه های تحقیق، آموزش عالی و نوآوری ممکن است واجد شرایط باشند.


Scholars at Risk (SAR) announces new fellowship support for SAR network member institutions in North America looking to host threatened and displaced scholars from Ukraine. The purpose of the funds is to support the Ukrainian research and academic sector, enable continuing collaborations between scholars and institutions in or displaced from Ukraine and the international research community, and to anticipate and support the rebuilding of the Ukrainian higher education and research sectors as conditions permit. This support is made possible by the generous partnership of Wiley, a global leader in publishing, education, and research. 

Eligibility: The funds are available to higher education institutions and associations in North America which are SAR network members in good standing at the time of the application (“applicants”) to assist in the hosting of eligible Ukrainian scholars (“candidates”) meeting the following criteria:


The funds are available to higher education institutions and associations in North America which are SAR network members in good standing at the time of the application (“applicants”) to assist in the hosting of eligible Ukrainian scholars (“candidates”) meeting the following criteria:

  • Are (1) Ukrainian nationals, or (2) stateless persons, or nationals from third countries other than Ukraine, with their primary residence in Ukraine on February 24, 2022;
  • Either (1) have been displaced from Ukraine on or after February 24, 2022, (2) were temporarily outside Ukraine on February 24, 2022 and have been unable to return to their primary residence due to the conflict, or (3) are ready to relocate from Ukraine;
  • Academics, researchers, or scientists with a PhD degree (or other terminal degree in their field);
  • Have the language skills required to successfully conduct their research activities at the envisaged host institution, as confirmed by the host institution in the application;
  • Candidates in all domains of research, higher education and innovation may qualify.


Application requirements:

The application must be submitted by the prospective host institution (“the applicant”) on behalf of the scholar (“the candidate”). (Scholars applying directly through the dedicated application portal or through SAR’s general scholar application will not be considered.) A complete application should include: 

  • Proposed duration, location, and start and end dates
  • Scholar CV and brief statement of risk/displacement (est. 1 page)
  • Attestation by the candidate scholar and certification by the applicant host institution of the candidate’s eligibility under the criteria (est. ½ page), along with any supporting documentation
  • Statement of the candidate’s proposed work plan, including research, teaching or other activities and how it advances the host’s and candidate’s academic goals (est. 1 page)
  • Statement of how the candidate will engage with the host institution community (est. ½ page)
  • Statement of how the applicant host and candidate will retain connections to and otherwise support Ukrainian higher education, research, or innovation sectors (est. ½ – 1 page)
  • A proposed budget, including amount and types of support provided by the host institution, the candidate’s institution in Ukraine, or other sources, if any, and the amount of support requested.



Given the high levels of need among qualifying candidate populations, institutions are encouraged to submit complete applications at their earliest opportunity. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis beginning January 17, 2023, until all funds are awarded. Current funds are estimated to allow supplemental awards to 10-25 hosts, with co-funding from the host institution or other source.  Additional awards will be made if additional funding can be secured.  

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